Friday, 19 April 2013

The Liebster Award!


So, this afternoon, I was scrolling through my posts that I'd already done, because I'm a weirdo and I came across a rather interesting post that I drafted from about two or so months ago called the Liebster Award of which I was tagged by the lovely Lorraine from  Lola Loves Sparkles ages ago. I do apologise for not posting this for a while haha. I've been somewhat busy or just unable to do it, but here I am, posting it now for you so I hope you enjoy!!

In a nutshell, it's pretty much a way to promote smaller blogs (like mine) to other readers in the hopes of building up a readership which is very nice, so after being tagged, I thought I'd give it a crack, and then put it aside for three months, and then give it another crack!

So, here we go!

1. You have to acknowledge your tagger
2. Once nominated, write 11 random facts about yourself
3. You must also answer the random 11 questions your tagger has set up for you
4. You need to come up with 11 other questions
5. You must tag 11 other bloggers and let them know, though you can't tag your tagger back :P

11 Raaaandom Things About Me:
1. I have itsy-bitsy tiny feet - size 4 :)
2. I play the banjo
3. I am a certified muso :D
4. I very strongly hate mangoes
5. I have a tea obsession
6. I'm quite young - 16 in July
7. I could live off of Frozen Yogurt
8. Even though we have traced back in family history, my nose is uniquely different to both biological parents and the DNA tracing after that (does that make sense?)
9. I love it when it's quite beautiful when you think about it
10. I write my own songs which I will (hopefully) post sometime on this blog
11. When I grow up, I want to go to the Northern Lights :)

Questions by Lorraine:
1. Do you prefer sweet or salty snacks?
Hmm...I used to be a real sweet-tooth and it was seriously bad. I was actually literally obsessed with eating sugar and chocolate (and when you're young, you have a high metabolism so you don't have to worry about those damn calories) and then one day, my dearest mother told me that diabetes ran in the family and I was naive and afraid and since I was about eight, I've gone onto saltiness.

2. What is your favourite book?
Harry Potter. No brainer there. Though, recently I've been reading this book called The Night Circus and it's so amazingly written (sophisticated, though, so it's not really a kids book) and they're making a movie but Potter wins.

3. Where do you live?
I come from a land down under (whistles), can you hear, can you hear the thunder!? (If you are Australian too, you will know this...if not then its a bit of an in joke)

4. Long or short hair?
Medium ;)

5. What is the most embarrassing situation you were ever in?
When I liked Justin Bieber and actually went to his Australian concert where he was egged. Yeah, it's so far past "shame" on the embarrassed spectrum...

6. Have you ever wished you had a different name? If yes, what would it be?
I actually have thought about this! I think it would be amazing to be called Lennon like John Lennon (idol)

7. What is your favourite food ever?
Avocado and Vegemite on toast. I love it when non-Australian people try Vegemite and they layer it on so thickly and so it's disgusting. I'm going to let you on a tip here; step one: layer the toast with butter or something, step two: get your knife and put the smallest tiniest amount of vegemite on the toast, literally the smallest amount of Vegemite possible so that you practically can't even see the Vegemite on it.

8. Coffee or tea?
Coffee before 10, tea anytime of the day.

9. Your worst job ever?
Paper Route. That's all we'll say about that subject, then.

10. Do you believe in ghosts?
I think theres such thing as spirits.

11. Your favourite make-up brand?
MAC or Bobbi Brown.

My Questions for those who I tag!
1. What is your most awkward moment EVER?

2. If you had to invent a flavour of ice-cream, what would it be? (put your creative cap on!!)

3. If you were stuck on a tropical island for the rest of your life and you could only take one make-up product, what would it be?

4. If you had to be any Disney character, who would you be and why?

5. What is your secret obsession?

6. If you had an iPod with only 2GB of data (sorry, don't know if that's a lot or not) on it and could only have one genre of music to listen to, what would it be?

7. If you had to change something in this world, what would it be?

8. How did you and your best friend meet?

9. What is the cheeeesiest thing a guy can do for you on Valentine's Day?

10. If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?

11.  If you had to (hypothetically) live in one clothes shop for the rest of your life, what would it be?

I Tag :D

1. Madeleine from Madeleine in Wonderland
2. Sanja from Sparkle with Laughter
3. Emily  from Emily's World
4. Emma from Plus Size Milliard
5. Chloe from Fashion 4 Teens
6. Casual Chic Fashion
7. Cordelia from Cordelia's Cottage
8. Becca from RebeccaRuby
9. Janine from Bake, Glue and Trend
10. Mandy from Blonde But Not Least
11. Isolde from Isolde Beauty

 Hope you enjoyed!

Good luck!


  1. Thank you for thinking of me. I hope you don't mind that I'll answer your questions here, since I already did a few of these.

    1. What is your most awkward moment EVER? I have a few of them, but one that was extremely awkward was this one; we were having a party at my friends house and I fancied her brother. She went to bed early and after awhile I went sleeping as well. When her brother came up, he checked if we were sleeping, and I got up and followed him to his bedroom, because I was walking in my sleep. He was obviously surprised and we talked, but the funny part was that the next day I thought that I've dreamed this and I still don't know what we talked about because he doesn't want to tell me and this was years ago.

    2. If you had to invent a flavour of ice-cream, what would it be? Chocolate mojito :D

    3. If you were stuck on a tropical island for the rest of your life and you could only take one make-up product, what would it be? A moisturising lip balm

    4. If you had to be any Disney character, who would you be and why? Sleeping beauty, because I like sleeping and I wouldn't mind being awaken with a kiss.

    5. What is your secret obsession? Can't think of any.

    6. If you had an iPod with only 2GB of data (sorry, don't know if that's a lot or not) on it and could only have one genre of music to listen to, what would it be? R&B or Pop.

    7. If you had to change something in this world, what would it be? I would erase all anger and hatred.

    8. How did you and your best friend meet? We were classmates and we became friends when she had to sit between me and some other friend, because we had a fight.

    9. What is the cheeeesiest thing a guy can do for you on Valentine's Day? Propose? I really wouldn't want that to happen on Valentine's day. I don't really like Valentine's day, it's overrated.

    10. If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? My nose.

    11. If you had to (hypothetically) live in one clothes shop for the rest of your life, what would it be? I really couldn't choose just one :)

    1. Wow, this is a long comment. I hope you won't mind :D

  2. Thanks for tagging me I'll definitely get around to doing it soon!!
