Sunday, 23 September 2012

Going Bush!

Hey everyone!

So, most of you won't know this so here's a little something different from my norm for you today. Unfortunately (for some), today isn't a fashion/beauty blog so if you don't want to hear me rant about the complete opposite of beauty, then switch off here, however, if you are interested in hearing what I have to say about this new peculiar topic, then by all means, carry on reading.

So, guess what...!

I'm going away on a Duke of Edinburgh's expedition tomorrow. For those who don't know what the Duke of Ed program is, it's a program run by lovely Philip (the Duke himself) where you are challenged to complete a certain amount of tasks such as physical, volunteering, skill and an expedition. If you do complete all the tasks, you get either your Bronze, Silver or Gold award. Right now, because I'm still a youngling, I'm going for my Bronze and I highly doubt I'd even aim for silver.

And tomorrow, I'll be driven off by a bus into the middle of no where and told to canoe for an entire day and find my way home. It'll be interesting. And I'm really not looking forward to it. I hate camping with all my life after a bad experience involving a wombat and a lot of rain...but yet, here I am finding myself the night before prepping for this bush expedition.

For those who ask why even bother doing a DoE course if you dislike camping, well, I did it for other personal reasons. So this should be interesting. I'll probably come back stinking, sweaty and in need for a good ol' break.

At least I'm with my friends. So that's one positive and I know that the things I get out of it will definitely benefit me mentally and physically. It will be a challenge but I'll post some pictures on my Instagram and so you'll be with me for the 31 or so hours of which I'm going bush.

Anyway, so at least now you'll know why I won't be posting until Tuesday night and then on Wednesday morning at nine in the am, I'm on a flight to...MELBOURNE! Yay! To see some old grand folk who live up in the mountains!

Anyway, that's my little rant for today and explanation for tomorrow and tomorrow. Hope everything is okay on your side of the mountain, and on  Tuesday night, I'll write a post telling you how it went!

Lots of Love,
Lucy de Rouge.

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